Sala Battaini

Always attentive to the artistic expressions of his time, Gino Pola, formed a lasting friendship with the painter Rino Gaspare Battaini, important artist of the current known as "Magic Realism", one of the most significant literary and artistic currents, in conjunction with " Metaphysics " of the beginning of '900.

Since 2006 in the "Sala Battaini" of Restaurant Grande Italia are collected about thirty works that the painter has given or sold to Mr. Pola.

Our guests can taste the cuisine of Liguria, admiring the evocative paintings of the great master, who in his work provides a realistic representation of objects, in an almost ecstatic immobility, in which time appears to be blocked. The lines are accurate and defined in the space; light, mood and suspension are the elements of an almost magical scenario.

The large room with a square floor plan and private entrance is particularly suitable for banquets, tourist groups, ceremonies and private parties for every occasion. The ferry boat for Portofino is just a 5-minute walk away.

For reservations and estimates call +390185271617 or send an e-mail to:


Lungomare Castello, 1 - 16035 Rapallo (GE) Italy
Partita IVA: 03381260177
Codice CITR: 010046-ALB-0015
Codice CIN: IT010046A1ANPBWH9D

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